We’re partnering with Children’s Trust of South Carolina to scale-up the Triple P Positive Parenting Program in South Carolina.

Read about our Collaboration with other projects.

Implementation Support

Translating and applying implementation science to help our partners establish:

Co-creation partners and process to ensure broad engagement, resources and abilities for scale-up

Leadership and implementation teams to support and follow-through with implementation as intended

Workforce development systems to support practitioners’ delivery of practices and in response to community members’ needs and preferences with implementation as intended

Quality and outcome monitoring systems for ongoing improvement

Media and networking systems to mobilize knowledge and behavior change beyond direct practitioner contacts

We catalyze your efforts to create locally sustainable impact.

Improving organizational and system performance by collaboratively identifying your needs and goals

Increasing system leaders’ abilities to effectively regulate implementation processes over time without dependence on external support

At the State and Regional Levels

We work with state agencies, intermediary organizations, and technical assistance providers to:

  • Build their capacity to deliver support
  • Improve their ability to work effectively with local communities and state partners as they attempt to implement or scale evidence-based programs
  • Identify the unique sets of capacity needed to provide effective support to local community organizations and state partners
  • Support the creation of effective policies and administrative practices

Read about our Implementation support at all levels.

At the Community Level

We work with community backbone organizations and service organizations to:

  • Develop prevention and wellbeing goals based on local data
  • Select intervention strategies responsive to local needs, preferences, context and goals
  • Support co-creation processes for broad engagement in implementation and scaling activities
  • Strengthen the resources and abilities needed for successful and sustainable scale-up
  • Improve implementation preformance over time so that local goals are realized

Read about our Implementation support at all levels.

Impact Center