Implementation Support Projects

Children’s Trust of South Carolina

Implementation Support in Action at the State/Regional Level

Since early 2018, a team from The Impact Center at FPG’s Implementation Capacity for Triple P project in South Carolina has been partnering with Children’s Trust of South Carolina, the Intermediary Organization responsible for the statewide expansion of the Triple P Positive Parenting Program.  The initial work, in partnership with leadership and team members at Children’s Trust, was to gather data and information about existing strengths, developmental needs, resources, abilities, and partnerships in relation to the capacities needed to fully support communities.  The culmination of this exploration of strengths and needs was the development of a plan addressing capacity building goals and strategies in five areas of support:

(1) Implementation support for evidence-based practices;

(2) Research, Evaluation and Data-Linking;

(3) Partnership Engagement and Communication;

(4) Workforce Development; and

(3) Policy and Finance.

The support provided has led to the development of key capacities which have operationalized their intermediary functions.  Children’s Trust team members have reported that our support has been critical in designing the expansion of Triple P through the development of a model expansion plan for identified counties, an evaluation plan and the activating agency selection process and readiness criteria

Wake County NC Triple P Coalition

Implementation Support in Action at the Community Level

Since late 2016, a team of Implementation Specialists from The Impact Center at FPG’s Implementation Capacity for Triple P project in North Carolina has been partnering with leaders and implementation team members within the Wake County Public School System, the Lead Implementing Agency for the Wake County Triple P Coalition.  The Wake implementation team is a part of the Office of Early Learning’s Project Enlightenment.

Our work with Project Enlightenment team members has involved identifying and contributing to the development of local resources and abilities to meet several implementation goals that are likely to improve Triple P outcomes across Wake County. Already, Project Enlightenment team members are reporting that resources and abilities are more in place to support their Coalition service agencies to implement Triple P successfully. And Wake County Triple P service agencies are reporting that implementation structures and best practices are more in place to support their practitioners to deliver Triple P as intended.

Santa Clara

Implementation Support in Action at the State/Regional Level

Coming Soon

Impact Center