
NIRN’s PDSA Lesson

This lesson from the National Implementation Research Network’s (NIRN) active implementation hub  describes the key components in each PDSA Cycle phase and identifies why and when PDSA Cycles are used for rapid cycle problem-solving in active implementation.   After the lesson, you should be able to apply a PDSA Cycle to engage in rapid cycle

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NIRN’s Communications Protocol – Linking Teams Lesson

To be effective, useful to the work of the organization, and include all appropriate levels, communication must be strategically planned and consciously monitored. This lesson from the National Implementation Research Network’s (NIRN) active implementation hub introduces you to a tool for creating a strategic plan for communication in your organization.

NIRN’s Communications Protocol – Linking Teams Lesson Read More »

Microlesson: Using Triple P Fidelity Data to Improve Your Community Triple P Implementation Infrastructure

This microlesson simulates the use of Triple P fidelity data from a fictional community, -œGrand County,- to improve that community’s Triple P implementation infrastructure and practices. The aims are to better support practitioners in key areas of Triple P delivery and to improve fidelity assessment practices across the community.

Microlesson: Using Triple P Fidelity Data to Improve Your Community Triple P Implementation Infrastructure Read More »

Module 5: Administering and Utilizing the Implementation Drivers Assessment for Agencies Implementing Triple P Interventions (IDA-TP)

This module instructs learners to assess the capacities of coalition service agencies to implement Triple P fully and effectively by demonstrating knowledge of the theory behind the IDA-TP, utilizing the IDA-TP protocol for reliable administration, scoring the IDA-TP following administration, and utilizing IDA-TP results for action planning.

Module 5: Administering and Utilizing the Implementation Drivers Assessment for Agencies Implementing Triple P Interventions (IDA-TP) Read More »

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